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Anthony Vella
       JawsAtak47 (jaws at ak47)

Art has been my constant, starting with graffiti during my skateboarding days and evolving into a wide-ranging exploration of styles and techniques. From bold 3D forms and spray paint to delicate calligraphy, oil painting, figure drawing, and even gilding with gold leaf, I’ve always sought to expand my creative toolbox and challenge myself as an artist.

My work is deeply influenced by my journey and by artists who embody mastery and innovation—Mirko Reisser, Felipe Pantone, Greg Simkins, and others who’ve inspired me to find my own balance between tradition and experimentation. I bring these influences together to create work that moves between the grit of street art, the precision of sign painting, and the depth of fine art.

I also draw inspiration from my fascination with quantum mechanics, where concepts like space, time, and infinite potential spark new ideas. This curiosity often shapes my approach to art, encouraging me to play with dimensions, layering, and movement to explore what’s possible on the canvas (or wall, or anything else).

At the heart of it all, my goal is to create work that connects—a piece might evoke nostalgia, curiosity, or even just a spark of joy, but it always reflects my drive to grow as an artist and tell stories in fresh and unexpected ways.

Hello All! My name is Anthony Vella! I am a Lettering artist. I specialize in custom letter creation, Sign Painting, Gold Leafing, Calligraphy, Logo creation, Graffiti Murals, Tattoo designs, Font Creation and Illustrations on both large and small formats. 

Sinical Skateboards is a manifestation of my childhood dream of owning a Skateboard company! I and the creator and main artist!

In the more recent years I have gotten into photography, motivation, and teaching workshops.


Education and credentials:

I studied sign painting through Los Angeles Trade Tech under Doc Guthrie, with additional Lettering education through Ivan Castro books and online classes, Ken Barber books, Martina Flor books and online classes, and I have illustration training through under Mattas Adolfsson, and under Brent Eviston.


Target audience and related activities, and clients:

I mainly work with entrepreneurs,  start up companies, business owners, musicians, rappers, tattoo artists, and event organizers. 

Ive done ground murals for schools, Window advertising and a-frame signs for breweries, a-frame signs for salons, logos for cannabis companies, Tattoo designs, wall murals for businesses, custom oil canvases  and much more.


Best place to fine me and my current works: my website!

Instagram - @jawsatak -art and @jawsatak47 -music

Linked-In- jaws-atak

Youtube- /jawsatak47

Facebook- /jawsatak47


Please Contact me!

Anthony Vella -Jawsatak


Medford OR 97501

Txt office 541-292-2615

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